(Office of the President)
26 December, 2002.
To: Chairman PPC
Cc: PRC Chairman
28 DECEMBER 2002.
- I send my very warm greetings to all members of the Uganda Peoples Congress. I am well in the body but my heart and thoughts are always and everyday about my country and her people who are no longer sovereign in the affairs of their lives or the affairs of their country. Uganda, our country is no longer an Independent Sovereign State because the insurgent terrorists who imposed dictatorship as the form of governance on 26 January, 1986 have mortgaged the country to foreign powers who, in exchange, pay for both the Recurrent and Development Budgets of the dictatorship and the money is used to massacre the people of Uganda and to devastate the countryside.
- Members of the UPC gave me a very great honour and a very heavy responsibility when they elected me to be leader of the Party. The decision of the UPC members was endorsed by the people of Uganda in the elections of 1962, in April 1979 when the UPC overthrew a dictatorship and in the elections of 1980. The UPC and I have always delivered on the confidence which the people of Uganda reposed in us. We built and expanded schools, Hospitals and Health Clinics. We constructed roads and managed an expanded economy as an integral service to our respect for the human rights and freedoms of the citizen.
- In the High Court of humanity, it can be said that the UPC has won the case lodged in that Court in January 1986 on the matter of the enjoyment and exercise by the citizen of his/her human rights and freedoms. So long as there has been no rule of law in Uganda since that case was lodged, the gunmen governors of Uganda stand condemned. In the condemnation of the High Court of Humanity, the UPC has again delivered. It is said that those whom the gods want to destroy they first make mad. Uganda's gunmen rulers are not only mad but are also confused and even running in circles with no ideas of the way forward. Look at their programme on the sublime God given human rights and freedoms of the citizen. There is none.
- In the matter of the economy, the gunmen terrorist rulers are so bankrupt that the donor community had to suspend their economic aid to Uganda in 1987 because the terrorist gunmen had no policy which the donors could support. The suspension forced the gunmen to plagiarise the economic policy and Programme which the UPC Government had published in 1982 and revised in 1984. When the donors agreed to support the plagiarised policy and Programme with their money, they somehow and curiously left out a very important integral part of the policy and Programme as first crafted by the UPC. The gunmen's dictatorship and the donors cut out the enjoyment and exercise by the citizen of his/her human rights and freedoms from the policy and Programme as first crafted by the UPC. Any economic policy and Programme which is heavily financed by foreign Governments but do not include in their implementation the enjoyment and exercise by the citizen of his/her human rights and freedoms and also governance under the rule of law, is a sinister scheme for recolonisation. That scheme has existed in Uganda since 1988.
- Uganda opened the year 2002 with quarrels about the Presidential election of last year because the rule of law was absent in that election and is closing the year with the war of massacres, devastations and despoliations and whispers of another war because the rule of law is again not present in the system of governance. The position of a single man and wars constituted the 2002 programme of the gunmen rulers and not the human rights and freedoms of the citizen. The war of massacres, devastations and despoliations began in 1986 and is still being prosecuted in Northern Uganda because the rule of law has been suppressed since January 1986 by those who launched the same war.
- In June 1989 the Commander in Chief of the criminal, insurgent and corrupt National Resistance Army (NRA) according to the New Vision of 13 June, 1989 told diplomats that rebellions had ended and only a few areas still remaining were to be pacified soon. New dates of ending the war launched by the governors against the people have been set as 31 December and March 2003. The gunmen governors do not want to end the war which they launched against the people because the war is a crucial part of the oppressions also launched in 1986. Wars in Uganda shall not end until and unless the gunmen governors either stop their rebellion against the rule of law and against the human rights and freedoms of the citizen or when they are removed.
- While the people wait for new dates, the governors are openly talking about more lethal weapons and a larger army to kill more Ugandans. Since 1986 millions of Ugandans including thousands upon thousands of UPC members amongst whom were my father and my mother have been massacred by the ruling army. To govern by the muzzle of the gun is a most despicable crime and a dishonour which God condemns in the commandment of "Thou shalt not kill". By breaking that commandment, Museveni has broken all the 10 commandments and has blasphemously substituted in their places his own tenets which are the exact opposite of each as exemplified by the rampant kleptomaniac-ism in his dictatorship.
- In a State of massacres and devastations since 1986 where the ruling army uproots citizens from their homes and force them to live in cauldrons of inhumanity, the makeshift concentration camps officially known as protected villages, the ruling Party opened the year with quarrels about crowning its leader to be President of Uganda for life. The quarrel is euphemistically called debate on succession. The idea that the whole country should be involved in who is or is not the leader of the criminal and corrupt political Party known as the National Resistance Movement (NRM), is a definitive declaration that Uganda is a one-Party dictatorship.
- According to Legal Notice No. 1 of 1986 which was a Proclamation of the insurgent and terrorist National Resistance Army, the National Resistance Movement is the Political Wing of the NRA. It follows therefore that since the ruling Party is the political Wing of the ruling Army, Uganda is eminently a one-Party cum military dictatorship.
- There is no question whatsoever that Uganda is eminently a dictatorship. Anyone who doubts it also believes that the people of Uganda are not part of the human race to whom the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies.
- In my very deep consideration and assessment, I find that the suppressions of the enjoyment and exercise of the human rights and freedoms of the citizens in Uganda by the ruling Army and Party and some foreigners is, I now disclose, because of the great fears of the UPC by the oppressors that the UPC like in the past except the fluke of the 1961 elections, would win every free and fair elections and make Uganda the leading African State free of corruption when powerful foreigners want to control the wealth of Africa through the ravages of corruption in African dictatorships. That is why Uganda has been mortgaged and why the mortgagors so much praise the Uganda dictatorship.
- The UPC as its name denotes, is an Assembly of the people of Uganda. It is a Party in whose bosom the best interests of the people of Uganda as a whole irrespective of differences commingle. The oppressions of the now close to 17 years can and could lead some members and even leaders to be tempted to emulate the ruling Party or any other Party and think of a military course to end the oppressions. I urge every member of the UPC to disabuse any such thought. The UPC is a political Party formed to engage in politics and in public elections and not to engage in military adventures and killings. Members and leaders of the UPC, I charge you, enter into the New Year fully convinced that the people of Uganda as a whole presently desire the rule of law above anything else. I charge you to campaign incessantly in the New Year for the realisation of the rule of law. The demand of the UPC in the year 2003 is a level playing field in politics and in public elections which means the rule of law applicable in equal measure to all the participants in politics and in public elections. This demand is not negotiable because it is based on the God given equality of human beings in the eyes of God. The ruling Army and Party are outlaws and killers therefore do not be tempted to emulate them.
- The PPC must find ways and means to deliver to every Branch the campaign demand of the New Year for the realisation of the rule of law. When you meet Ministers and politicians from the older democracies and from the donor community, do not be shy to tell them that by financing the Recurrent and Development Budgets of the Uganda dictatorship they have suppressed the rule of law in Uganda because the very huge finance has enabled the Uganda dictatorship to continue with the suppressions of the human rights and freedoms of the citizen and also to continue with the war of massacres, devastations and despoliations which war, is also an integral part of suppressions of the rule of law and the human rights and freedoms of the citizen.
I send to every member of the UPC the 2003 campaign demand for the realisation of the rule of law in the spirit of our National Motto:
A. Milton Obote
PresidentUganda Peoples Congress